Some math on Rogue 15/Fighter 5 vs Rogue 15/Ranger 5. This is considered after 2 feats (char level 9), not at the top eventual level 20.
Crossbow expert gives an extra attack / chance to hit BUUUUT uses the bonus action. So, no bonus action hide. Ow. But that’s totally controllable.
Sharpshooter gives +10/-5. And more.
Trapper mode = Skulker at R1/F4 = no disadvantage on percep (wis) = lockpicking with darkvision (via Goggles of Night). Dungeon Delver = resistance and saves to traps. Plus racial Halfling luck = no 1s, which means they adds .005 to crit chance for Halfling race, which is assumed below. Third feat would be Lucky to not worry about missed saves.
So, thinking fighter vs ranger. Ranger adds 2 attacks due to Hordebreaker + Extra Attack while Fighter adds only 1 attack via Extra Attack, and expanded extra crit range.
Ranger full-on damage, main attack + crossbow expert (BA) + horde breaker + extra attack = 4 attacks per round with Sharpshooter+10, dex +3-+5, bow+1-+3 and maybe more. Static will be 4 * 13-17 plus sneak attack and whatever ranger shenanigans. To-hits will be at -5 and no advantage, but archery style makes that effectively a -3, but for comparison below keeping it -5. Definitely a reliable high-damage build that can slide into stealth, especially with Pass Without Trace +10, for the whole party.
DPS? 4*(13+1d6)*.75 + 24.5*.055 =
4*(16.5)*.75 + 24.5*.055=
49.5 + 1.3475
OH, and that’s neglecting Hunter’s Mark. That adds 1d6 per hit, so 4*3.5 = 14 more = 64.8475
Fighter with traps relies on advantage from hide/skulker (remain hidden on miss = keep advantage) and without sharpshooter the attack pattern looks more like main attack + extra attack = 2 attacks per round, NO sharpshooter, dex +3-+5, but due to skulker attacks will be at advantage and double crit chance. (so, quad chance per attack due to 2 dice rolled until you hit, but half the number of attacks.) Definitely drop some dps, crits at 10.5% don’t add much, even at level 15 it’s just adding 7*1d6 = 7*3.5 = 24.5 per crit.
DPS? 2*(3+1d6) + 24.5*.105 =
2*(6.5) + 24.5*.105 =
13 + 2.5725
Man that’s a lot of DPS to give up just for traps and higher crit chance. What about swapping in Sharpshooter first, dropping feat # 3 (Lucky) later on?
2*(13+1d6)*.75 + 24.5*.105 =
2*(16.5)*.75 + 24.5*.105 =
24.75 + 2.5725
What about traps with Ranger for horde breaker, cuz they also get ASI at level 4 and extra attack at level 5 (and archery style) BUT not using crossbow expert? So basically just add a third attack to the above.
3*(13+1d6)*.75 + 24.5*.55 =
3*(16.5)*.75 + 24.5*.55 =
37.125 + 1.3475
(again, neglecting Hunter’s Mark, which adds 3*3.5 = + 10.5 = 48.9725)